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"...You shall make two cherubim. They will have their wings spread upward, with their faces toward each other.There I will meet with you; from between the two cherubim, I will speak to you... "

From the One to the many, from the many to the One.
From Unity to duality, from duality to Unity.

Oil painting by Ivan Boccherini

Height: 70 Centimetres; Width: 100 Centimetres
Oil on canvas by Ivan Boccherini

..." The PORTAL " ...

In this artwork, the two figures I call cherubim symbolize the transition from the One to the many, and from the many to the One

—from Unity to duality, and from duality to Unity.

They represent the first emanations of the Monad, the initial division of the One into two. Each cherub has only one wing, reflecting their nature as angelic twins, still resembling each other as the left and right wings of the One Deity.

Their wings are spread upward, creating an open space in the center—a abyss, beyond the limit of the circle.
This space draws the viewer toward the Light at the Center, a place that is always beyond, It is here, between the two cherubim, that the Seer meets the Godhead and hears the Divine Word.

This piece explores the mystical tension between separation and unity, between the finite and the infinite. The abyss between the cherubim is a threshold to divine revelation, where the Seer gazes into the eternal and hears the voice of the Divine.

He will know and he will be known.

Angelic Portal. Monad and Cherubim. Vision of the One.

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