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Oil on canvas60 cm x 90 cm - FREE SHIPPING


The 4 Watchtowers with Enochian Angelic names.

1 Watchtower for each element.

156 letters per Watchtower, 624 letters in total.

From these, according to John Dee's angelic magic system, 287 angelic names can be extracted.


The Pentagram Sigil as on the Sigillum Dei Aemeth

Bottom center:

The Sigillum Dei Aemeth


The Hieroglyphic Monad (partially hidden)

The magic circle with Enochian angelic names

The Enochian letters from the Holy Table on the robe.

Upper corners:

The Archangel Uriel with the secret cross seal.

Archangel Michael as the deliverer of the diagram of the Pele Ring. The magic ring without which nothing can be done.

Pele, meaning "The One that makes wonders" (Enochian language).

Top center:


Enochian word for Truth, as written by John Dee.

On the book:

Latin invocation to the Angels (from Dee's journals), right.

Venite Gradatim Repetamus Opera Dei

( Come, let us gradually repeat the works of God.)

Invocation from the first Enochian call in Enochian, and a star with the seals of 8 angels, on the left.

All as delivered by angelic invocations to Edward Kelly and written in secret journals by John Dee, mostly between 1581 and 1588.


Enochian Call. The Magus.

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